12 февраля 2025 года, среда 20:56
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Приложение к Информации по упрощению торговли


¦Seller (3346/7) or              ¦Document data (2006/7)                 ¦
¦Consignor (3336/7)              ¦Document number (1004)                 ¦
¦                                ¦Common Access Reference (1202)         ¦
¦                               1¦Reference data (1472)                 8¦
¦Consignee (3132/3)              ¦Buyer (3002/3)                         ¦
¦                                ¦                                       ¦
¦                               2¦                                      9¦
¦Notify party (3180/1)           ¦Export Licence number (1209)           ¦
¦Delivery party (3144/5)         ¦Import Licence number (1106)         10¦
¦                                +---------------------------------------+
¦                                ¦This document covers the following     ¦
¦                               3¦fuctions:                              ¦
+--------------------------------+---                                    ¦
¦Indentification¦Despatch place  ¦--- PACKING LIST                       ¦
¦of the means   ¦(3150)          ¦---                                    ¦
¦of transport   ¦                ¦--- GOODS SPECIFICATION                ¦
¦(8212/3)      4¦               5¦---                                    ¦
+---------------+----------------+--- SHIPPING SPECIFICATION             ¦
¦Place of       ¦Transport       ¦---                                    ¦
¦Discharge      ¦destination     ¦--- CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY             ¦
¦(3392/3)       ¦                ¦---                                    ¦
¦               ¦                ¦--- WEIGHT SPECIFICATION               ¦
¦               ¦                ¦---                                    ¦
¦              6¦               7¦---                                    ¦
¦Marks and      ¦Number of packages (7224)  ¦Commodity¦Gross    ¦       3¦
¦number (7102)  ¦Type of packages (7064/5)  ¦code     ¦weight,  ¦Cube, m ¦
¦               ¦Description of goods (7002)¦(7357)   ¦kg (6292)¦(6322)  ¦
¦             11                          12¦       13¦       14¦      15¦
¦                                           ¦         ¦         ¦       3¦
¦Goods details (7052)                       ¦Quantity ¦Gross    ¦Cube, m ¦
¦                                           ¦(5310)   ¦weight,  ¦(6322)  ¦
¦                                           ¦         ¦kg (6292)¦of one  ¦
¦                                           ¦         ¦of one   ¦package ¦
¦                                           ¦         ¦package  ¦        ¦
¦                                        16 ¦       17¦       18¦      19¦
¦Free field                                                            20¦
¦                                                                        ¦
¦                                                                        ¦
¦                                                                        ¦
¦                                                                        ¦
¦                                                                        ¦
¦                                                                        ¦
¦                                                                        ¦
¦                                                                        ¦
¦                                                                        ¦
¦                                           -----------------------------+
¦                                           ¦Place of issue of document  ¦
¦                                           ¦(3410/1)                    ¦
¦                                           ¦                            ¦
¦                                           ¦Authentication (4426)       ¦
¦                                           ¦                          21¦

Источник - Информация ЕЭК ООН от 09.11.1993